Sacred Heart of Jesus School

Tuition for the 2024-2025 School Year

Tuition is $5,500 per child.

Tuition Payment

Tuition Payments are made through Facts Management. A $150 discount is made for those who pay the entire annual amount by August 31, 2024.

Non-Payment of Fees

No student will be accepted for enrollment for the upcoming school year unless all overdue tuition payments are current or other financial arrangements have been made.

Registration Fees

There are no registration fees for the 2024-25 school year.

EdChoice Expansion Scholarship

Any family (Catholic or non-Catholic) with a child/children entering grades K-8, may qualify for a State-sponsored EdChoice scholarship. Families qualify for different levels of scholarship amounts based upon where your family falls within the federal poverty guidelines. Our school is a qualified EdChoice scholarship provider. Information on the EdChoice scholarship can be found on the Ohio Department of Education website ( or please feel free to contact the parish office.

Catholic Education Foundation

Thanks to the success of the One Faith One Love Campaign, financial assistance to help cover Catholic school tuition is available for Catholic and non-Catholic families. Families may apply for student tuition grants through the Catholic Education Fund. The timeframe for applying for these funds CLOSES ON FEBRUARY 25, 2024. To apply, one must complete and online financial assistance application through FACTS

Parishioner Retention Scholarship

In those situations where EdChoice and CEF do not cover tuition, we have this resource for our parishioners… an $800 grant to a one-student family, $1,000 per child to a two-student family and $1,200 per child to a three-or-four-student family who are registered parishioners.