Sacred Heart of Jesus School

Sacred Heart of Jesus School believes that an integral part of the curriculum is the development of each student’s God-given talents and potential: Spiritual, Intellectual, Physical, Artistic, Emotional, & Social.

These talents are enlightened on a daily basis by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Office of Faith Formation organizes and coordinates the daily religious education and spiritual formation activities for the school with the Sacred Heart faculty.

First Reconciliation & First Eucharist

Instruction and preparation for First Reconciliation and First Eucharist take place during second grade. In addition to classroom study, a parents’ guide and home workbook are included as part of the instruction. A workshop for each sacrament is held for the students and their parents as a meaningful preparation for the sacraments.


Students in sixth grade prepare for Confirmation in a year long program that includes religious study, a mandatory Spirit Day Retreat, and the fulfillment of a service projects. The sacrament is celebrated in late winter or early spring of sixth grade during a special evening Mass at Sacred Heart.

Community Service

Throughout the school year, social outreach projects are conducted to benefit those in need from our local and global communities. These may include our monthly Dorothy Day Cupboard collection, pajama collections, a blanket project for Children’s Hospital, food collection for various agencies, fundraising for disaster relief efforts, letter writing to military service personnel, visits to the elderly, donations to One Way Farm, etc. Older students are invited to become members of Helping Hands, which focuses on social outreach projects. These efforts help to promote an atmosphere of charity within the school and a lifelong dedication to community service.

Ecological Awareness

Rooted in our belief that students are called to become stewards of our planet, a variety of ecological initiatives are in place. These include the recycling of plastic bags, aluminum cans, pop tops, lunch sacks, and drink boxes. Students in Grades 5-8 are invited to become a member of our Environmental Warriors Conservation Club. This club focuses on learning about and caring for God's creation through presentations, hands on learning, field trips, and even service projects. In addition, Sacred Heart participates in the Paper Retriever program that supports the school.

Enhanced Spiritual Development

A variety of activities is offered to enhance our religious education program.

  • Altar Server Ministry
  • Choir/Cantors
  • Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist
  • Helping Hands Student Social Action Ministry

For a full description see the Activities page.

Morning Prayer

Each student begins the day with Christ in his or her heart and mind through homeroom morning prayers. Liturgical seasons, scripture and the lives of saints are emphasized. In addition to prayer, special recognition is given to students for various achievements at this time. Students customarily pray for family members, friends, classmates, and for the wider community.


As part of their spiritual development, students in Grades 2-8 have the opportunity to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation during Lent.

Religious Education

Religious education lies at the core of our mission so all students participate in religion classes as a regular course of study. Classroom teachers provide this instruction in accordance with the guidelines provided by the Office of Religious Education of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, using texts that have been approved by that office. Sex education, with a focus on abstinence and responsibility, takes place in Grades 5 through 8.

School Liturgies

Liturgies are celebrated weekly on Tuesdays at 8:30 am (exceptions noted below) on a rotating basis according to grade levels. Classes rotate throughout the year in leading the readings, petitions, and offertory portions of the liturgy. Holy days and special feast days or memorials are celebrated with an all-school Mass, attended by all students. Families, friends and parishioners are welcome to attend all school Masses.