I am often asked the question by parents who are not part of the Catholic tradition, “Why are your people willing to pay tuition for a grade school education that is already available in the public school system without personal cost to them?” Part of the answer is that Catholic parochial schools are known for the quality of the education their students receive. Part of the answer is that Catholic schools can teach the information in the context of traditional Judeo-Christian morality. This is no longer possible in the public school system. Some may cite the emphasis on discipline. This too is prohibited by the rules applied in the public school context.
For me the answer includes the reasons already mentioned, but I am also a bit more philosophical. Seedlings grow faster and stronger in a greenhouse than they do facing early spring cold and snow. The greenhouse provides warmth and sunlight, nutritious soil and constant watering, and a caretaker with a green thumb. A well run Catholic parochial school provides quality instruction in a context of belief in Jesus Christ, moral principles that form the foundation for a life of faith, and a nurturing community in which the child knows he or she “belongs.” Most parishes (Sacred Heart included) spend between two-thirds and three-fourths of their Sunday collection on their parish school. This sacrifice is not made only so that each student can become a better Catholic. This sacrifice is intended to make better persons who form a more moral community. A parochial Catholic school is a commitment to the community and the nation. Everyone who puts their contribution in the Sunday collection basket is sacrificing to nurture good kids into good people who will become productive citizens contributing to the common good.
You may ask “Father, did you go to a Catholic grade school?” The answer is “No!” I attended one of the last rural community schools. We prayed in school each day. Our teachers demanded adherence to Judeo-Christian moral principles. Today such public schools are deemed politically incorrect and forbidden by law. This is precisely why Catholic parochial schools are so valuable for our parish, community, and nation. This is why we are all willing to sacrifice for Sacred Heart School.
God bless you in your decision. If you see Sacred Heart School as I do, a nursery growing good citizens and souls for eternity, please consider making the sacrifice to educate your child here.